World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Neues beim Hexenmeister

Geschrieben von Dimension am 02.03.2005 um 13:19
Wie im amerikanischen Forum nachzulesen ist gibt es bald ein Update beim Hexenmeister. Der Hexenmeister benutzt den Spruch Enslave Demon um sein Infernat oder Doomguard unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Bisher konnten Priester und Schamanen diesen Spruch mit eigenen Zaubern unterbrechen. Dies wird mit einem zukünftigen Patch nicht mehr möglich sein.

While my previous sticky post indicated that the Priest will no longer be able to dispel Enslave Demon as it pertains to the Warlock's hold over the Infernal and DoomGuard, players will be pleased to hear that we're going a step further in order to improve this spell. Enslave Demon will no longer be subject to any form of dispel, including the Shaman's Purge ability, and not just as it pertains to the Infernal or DoomGuard, but in any situation and when cast on any demon. Also, we're fully aware of your concerns relating to the affects of the Infernal and DoomGuard being "tappable", and the developers wished for me to convey that this functionality is currently being investigated and plans for improvement are being explored.

Firestones und Spellstones werden auch überarbeitet. Der Firestone hat bisher die Hauptwaffe des Hexenmeisters verzaubert, so dass diese eine Chance hatte Feuerschaden zu verursachen. Der Firestones wir nun auch Zauberschaden durch magische Effekte erhöhen. Der Spellstone der den Hexenmeister von allen magischen Effekten befreit hat, bekommt nun eine Chance auf einen Kritischen Treffer.

The next content patch will improve upon the current functionality of both the Firestone and Spellstone skills. In addition to enchanting the Warlock's main-hand weapon with a chance to cause fire damage, the Firestone will now increase the damage caused by fire spells. Similarly, Spellstone which can be used to remove all magic effects from the caster and absorb magic damage, will now improve the Warlock's overall chance of getting a critical strike with spells. We feel that these changes will make both skills more useful for Warlock players.

Desweiteren werden noch einige kleine Bugs des Hexenmeisters behoben.

There are a number of other improvements currently in the works for the Warlock class, many of which include bug fixes and adjustments. For example, one such change I've been made aware of concerns Ritual of Doom - the death caused at the completion of the ritual will no longer cause durability loss. While another change affects Curse of Agony, which upon the release of the next patch will benefit from items that increase shadow damage. As soon as I have further information to provide concerning said changes, I will make an official community update post. Again, I wish to thank everyone for their continued patience as I strive to gather information based upon your feedback and concerns.

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