World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Dunkelflammenspalt Guide - The War Within

Geschrieben von Telias am 26.04.2024 um 20:39

Allgemeine Infos zum Dunkelflammenspalt

Die Dunkelflammenspalt ist ein neuer Dungeon aus The War Within.

  • Dungeon: Dunkelflammenspalt (engl. Darkflame Cleft)
  • Erweiterung: The War Within
  • Eingang: unbekannt
  • Schwierigkeit: 5-Spieler - normal, heroisch, mythisch, Mythisch+
  • Bosse: 4 Bosse

Dunkelflammenspalt Beschreibung

Dunkelflammenspalt Bosse

  • Alter Wachsbart
  • Lohenzar
  • Der Kerzenkönig
  • Die Finsternis
Dunkelflammenspalt - Dungeon in The War Within
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Dunkelflammenspalt Eingang

Der Eingang zum Dunkelflammenspalt ist noch unbekannt.

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Dunkelflammenspalt Karte

Eine Karte vom Dungeon folgt.

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Boss: Alter Wachsbart

Alter Wachsbart Fähigkeiten

Ol' Waxbeard summons endless waves of kobolds and deadly minecarts. He marks priority targets for his allies with Luring Candleflame or spurs Wick into a Reckless Charge towards a distant player, devastating players and kobolds alike in his path.

Control incoming kobolds and lure them into danger to prevent your party from being overwhelmed by too many stacks of Grobe Waffen. Waxbeard's Rock Buster increases Physical damage taken for a brief period.

Keep an eye out for players hit by Luring Candleflame! Ol' Waxbeard's Reckless Charge, the resulting Cave-In, and the minecarts zipping around all instantly kill other kobolds.

Damage Dealers
Control incoming kobolds and lure them into danger to prevent your party from being overwhelmed by too many stacks of Grobe Waffen. Ol' Waxbeard's Reckless Charge, the resulting Cave-In, and the minecarts zipping around all instantly kill other kobolds.

Reckless Charge
Rock Buster

Menial Laborers
Menial Laborers will attack random nearby players when they enter the fray.

Grobe Waffen
Underhanded Track-tics
Luring Candleflame
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Boss: Lohenzar

PH Text

Lohenzar Fähigkeiten

Blazikon attempts to keep the candles surrounding it lit. Periodically Blaizkon will cast |cFF2959D3|Hspell:423099|h[Enkindling Inferno] to ignite all unlit candles. Players can use |cFF2959D3|Hspell:421638|h[Wicklighter Barrage] to light candles preemptively.

Wicklighter Barrage ignites candles that are hit by it. Wicklighter Barrage extinguishes all candles. Blazikon castsLodernde Stürme when no players are in melee combat.

Damage Dealers
Wicklighter Barrage ignites candles that are hit by it. Wicklighter Barrage extinguishes all candles.

Wicklighter Barrage ignites candles that are hit by it. Wicklighter Barrage extinguishes all candles.

Damage Dealers
Wicklighter Barrage ignites candles that are hit by it. Wicklighter Barrage extinguishes all candles. Auslöschender Windstoß's tornado extinguishes any candle it touches.

Wicklighter Barrage ignites candles that are hit by it. Wicklighter Barrage extinguishes all candles. Auslöschender Windstoß's tornado extinguishes any candle it touches.

Wicklighter Barrage
Incite Flames
Auslöschender Windstoß
Entzündendes Inferno
Auslöschender Atemzug
Lodernde Stürme
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Boss: Der Kerzenkönig

[PLACEHOLDER] Summary and lore for the encounter.

Der Kerzenkönig Fähigkeiten

The Candle King begins by making waxen statues that burn his foes. He also uses the power of darkflame to imbue his abilities, assaulting players with Dunkelflamme werfen and Dunkelflammenspitzhacke.

Unheimlicher Schimmel cause Fire damage to all players as long as they persist. Dunkelflammenspitzhacke inflicts high damage and knocks back the first target it strikes.

Damage Dealers
Unheimlicher Schimmel cause Fire damage to all players as long as they persist. Dunkelflammenspitzhacke inflicts high damage and knocks back the first target it strikes.

Unheimlicher Schimmel cause Fire damage to all players as long as they persist. Dunkelflammenspitzhacke inflicts high damage and knocks back the first target it strikes.

Unheimlicher Schimmel
Verfluchtes Wachs
Paranoider Verstand
Dunkelflamme werfen
Geschmolzenes Wachs
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Boss: Die Finsternis

[PLACEHOLDER] Summary and lore for the encounter.

Die Finsternis Fähigkeiten

The Darkness enwreathes the area in smothering shadows, reducing combat abilities of anyone without a light source. It uses a variety of Shadow attacks to devour its foes and weaken the light.

Players without Kerzenschein suffer the debilitating effects of Erdrückende Schatten. Umbralschlitzer and Schattenschlag will both damage the light if they strike it.

Damage Dealers
Players without Kerzenschein suffer the debilitating effects of Erdrückende Schatten. The Darkness will use Dunkelbrut rufen that approach the light and cast Lichtsauger. Umbralschlitzer and Schattenschlag will both damage the light if they strike it.

Players without Kerzenschein suffer the debilitating effects of Erdrückende Schatten. Umbralschlitzer and Schattenschlag will both damage the light if they strike it.

Erdrückende Schatten
Zunehmende Düsternis
Ewige Finsternis
Dunkelbrut rufen
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Dunkelflammenspalt Erfolge

Die folgenden Erfolge gehören zu diesem Dungeon.

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Dunkelflammenspalt Loot

Dunkelflammenspalt Screenshots

Diese Bilder stammen aus dem Inneren dieses Dungeon.

Dunkelflammenspalt - The War Within Dunkelflammenspalt - The War Within Dunkelflammenspalt - The War Within Dunkelflammenspalt - The War Within

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