World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Auszeichnung für World of Warcraft

Geschrieben von Kaelthalas am 25.12.2004 um 16:42
Die positiven Testberichte häufen sich zurzeit an, und World of Warcraft gewinnt immer mehr an Auszeichnungen. So erhält WoW auch die Auszeichnung Game of the Year, von der Spieleseite Gamespot, die in einem Artikel darüber berichtet.

The thing about World of Warcraft is it offers so much of what we fundamentally love about games, all in a single experience. Just exploring the world of Azeroth can be fun and exciting. The game is conducive to cooperative gameplay, competitive player vs. player action, or solo play. It lets you have a great time regardless of whether you play for one hour or 10 hours at once, and if you can't commit to playing the game every day, that's OK--it gives you a little bonus whenever you check back. As a result, World of Warcraft can be an incredibly addictive experience, or just an incredibly dependable one--it's the sort of game we can always fall back on to keep giving us new high-quality gaming experiences, practically regardless of how much time we're willing to dedicate to it. This is the game we just love talking about among ourselves, and can't resist telling our friends and families about, either. Given all this, it's our honor to name World of Warcraft GameSpot's 2004 Game of the Year.

Es ist Gamespot eine Ehre, WoW den wohlverdienten Titel "GameSpot's 2004 Game of the Year" zu geben.

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