World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Großer PvP-Hotfix kommt

Geschrieben von Telias am 10.06.2017 um 09:37

Wie Blizzard nun mitgeteilt hat, erscheint mit den Wartungsarbeiten in der kommenden Woche ein größerer PvP-Hotfix. Mit diesem Hotfix werden mehrere Fähigkeiten von 7 verschiedenen Klassen zum Teil abgeschwächt, aber auch verstärkt.

As we’ve often done before, we’ve got a round of PvP tuning hotfixes that will take effect with our next maintenance in each region. We wanted to get this posted for discussion before the weekend.

Thanks for your feedback!

Player versus Player

Demon Hunter
Template Agility increased from 80% to 85%.
Template Haste reduced from 130% to 110%.
Template Versatility increased from 100% to 120%.
Chaos Blades increases damage dealt by 20% (was 30%) in PvP situations.
Fel Barrage damage reduced by 30% in PvP situations.
Nemesis durations increased to 30 seconds in PvP situation (was 15 seconds).
Nemesis now increases damage by 15% (was 25%).

Beast Mastery
Template Agility decreased from 80% to 70%.
Template Armor decreased from 120% to 100%.
Template Critical Strike increased from 70% to 100%.
Template Mastery decreased from 75% to 45%.
Dire Beast: Basilisk is now immune to snares and roots.
Dire Beast: Basilisk's damage has been increased by 50%.
Template Agility decreased from 105% to 100%.
Template Critical Strike increased from 50% to 80%.
Template Haste decreased from 150% to 120%.
Sniper Shot no longer increases its own range.
Sniper Shot's duration increased to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Sniper Shot's range is increased to 55 yards (was 40 yards).

Way of the Crane causes Spinning Crane Kick to heal for 100% of damage dealt (was 200%).
Way of the Crane now heals based on absorbed damage.
Way of the Crane now costs 8% of base mana.
Template Versatility increased from 100% to 120%.
Template Haste increased from 175% to 200%.

Template Intellect increased from 135% to 145%.
Avenging Crusader's mana cost has increased by 30%.
Avenging Crusader's cooldown recovery rate on Judgment and Crusader Strike decreased to 30% (was 50%).
Avenging Crusader's bonus damage decreased to 30% (was 50%).
Hand of the Protector's healing is reduced by 60% in PvP (was 45%).
Light of the Protector's healing is reduced by 60% in PvP (was 45%).
Luminesence now heals for 20% of healing taken (was 30%).
Mana regeneration reduced by 25%.
Template Strength reduced from 85% to 80%.
Blessing of Sanctuary's cooldown is now 45 seconds (was 30 seconds).
Lawbringer's duration increased to 45 seconds (was 30 seconds).
Divine Punisher now grants 3 Holy Power (was 2).
Luminesence now heals for 20% of healing taken (was 30%).
Templar's Verdict now deals full damage in PvP situations (was a 30% reduction).

Overloaded with Light increases Light's Wrath damage by 200% in PvP situations (was 500%).
Power Word: Fortitude can now be active on 3 targets.
Power Word: Fortitude's mana cost has been reduced by 80%.
Power Word: Shield's absorption amount is increased by 10% in PvP situations (was 25%).
Purified Resolve now provides a 5% maximum health shield (was 8%).
Strength of Soul decreases physical damage taken by 20% (was 30%).
Strength of Soul's heal has been increased by 75%.
Template Damage dealt decreased from 75% to 65%.
Template Haste increased from 100% to 125%.
Template Intellect increased from 135% to 145%.
Template Mastery reduced from 100% to 75%.
Divine Attendant now reduces cooldown by 2.5 minutes (was 2 minutes). Tooltip will be inaccurate till a followup hotfix.
Greater Fade's duration has been reduced to 4 seconds (was 6 seconds).
Ray of Hope's bonus healing has been reduced to 50% (was 100%).
Renew's periodic healing has been increased by 100% in PvP situations.
Spirit of the Redeemer now has a 3 minute cooldown (was 5 minutes).
Spirit of the Redeemer now has a 7 second duration (was 10 seconds).
Mind Blast damage increased by 30% in PvP situations.
Mind Flay damage increased by 40% in PvP situations.
Shadow Word: Pain damage reduced by 20% in PvP situations.
Shadow Word: Void damage increased by 20% in PvP situations.
Shadowform reduces physical damage taken by 20% in PvP situations (was 10%).
Vampiric Touch damage reduced by 15% in PvP situations
Void Torrent no longer deals decreased damage in PvP situations, (was 20% less.

Purifying Waters healing reduced by 40%.
The Healing Surge cast by Swelling Waves now heals for half its regular amount.
Gathering Storms no longer counts pets and guardians in PvP situations when increasing the damage of your next Stormstrike.
Template Critical Strike increased from 50% to 120%.
Template Versatility increased from 130 to 140%.
Earth Shield will now heal when an attacker takes 4% of their max health in damage (was 8%).
Earth Shield now has 4 charges (was 3).
Healing Stream Totem now heals for an additional 40% in PvP situations (was 10%).
Riptide heals for an additional 30% in PvP situations.
Healing Wave heals for an additional 50% in PvP situations (was an additional 100%).

Template Stamina decreased from 100% to 95%.
Bloodthirst's heal is reduced by 25% in PvP situations.

Quelle: World of Warcraft Seite

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