World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Patch 7.2 erscheint heute auf den PTRs

Geschrieben von Telias am 20.01.2017 um 09:25

Wir wussten bereits, dass Patch 7.2 schon bald auf den PTRs erscheint. Dass Blizzard es so eilig hat haben wir jedoch nicht erwartet. Noch heute soll Patch 7.2 auf den öffentlichen Testrealms online gehen. Mit dem ersten Build sollen jedoch nur einige wenige Inhalte getestet werden. Unter anderem testet Blizzard einige Änderungen die zur Verminderung von Abstürzen dienen sollen. Das größte Highlight im ersten Build ist der Haustier-Dungeon. Darüber werden wir natürlich berichten, sobald wir diesen zu Gesicht bekommen haben. Alle bekannten Inhalte aus diesem Patch findet ihr in unserer Patch 7.2 Übersicht.

Welcome to the Patch 7.2 PTR! As we’re just getting our 7.2 public test phase underway, we’d like to give you some context into what you’ll see (and won’t see) in this first build.

Most of Patch 7.2’s major content isn’t enabled in this build – that’ll be coming in a few weeks. Our primary testing focus for this build will be Demon Assaults, as well as general game stability (e.g. crashes). 7.2’s Pet Battle Dungeon should also be available for testing.

There’s a few other things of note that are enabled for initial testing in this build, but be aware that many of them are still heavily under development:
  • Transmog Item Sets: This is an update to the Transmogrification System that tracks the progress and collections of Raid and PVP item sets, and we’d love your feedback on it.
  • Tab targeting improvements: We’re hard at work making some improvements to this feature, and have a few updates in this build that should make tab targeting feel more natural. Please let us know what you think!
  • Some updated visual effects for Hunters, Death Knights, and Balance Druids: This is still very much in a work-in-progress state, but we’re making a few improvements to the look and feel of these classes, and want to hear your feedback.

You may also start to see some bits and pieces of an improvement we’re making to PvP gearing in 7.2 through the Obliterum Forge (which will no longer require completing a quest chain to unlock). The intent of this system is to allow players who have received multiple pieces of unwanted gear to exchange them for a piece of their choosing. It’s not yet ready for testing, but it’s on the way.

Patch 7.2

Quelle: World of Warcraft Seite

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