World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Blood Legion: Kein WoW Progress mehr

Geschrieben von Telias am 13.03.2015 um 11:45

Blood Legion gehört zu den bekanntesten World of Warcraft Gilden weltweit. Aktuell sind sie in der inoffiziellen Weltrangliste zwar nur an 12. Stelle, haben aber einige World-First-Kills vorzuweisen. Der Grund warum die Gilde nicht mehr um World-First-Erfolge kämpft, ist einfach; die Spieler sind älter geworden und haben keine Zeit mehr. Einige Gildenmitglieder haben geheiratet oder Kinder bekommen, andere haben einen neuen Job der ebenfalls Zeit zum Spielen raubt.

Blood Legion wird jedoch nicht ganz aufhören. Alle Spieler sind Fans von World of Warcraft und werden dem Spiel treu bleiben, bis der letzte Realm offline geht. Dies schreibt zumindest der Gildenmeister Riggnaros auf der offiziellen Gildenseite von Blood Legion.

Blood Legion Gilde

Now that the dust has settled a bit, I decided to take the time and write a news post to keep everyone in the loop.

Blood Legion has been around since the launch of WoW, and has always been at the top of the PvE scene. Since 2011, we've been pushing the envelope and putting in countless hours of preparation towards competing for World Firsts.

Over the years, many people of the guild have gotten married, some have had children, others have moved on to new jobs/schools, and all of the other things that life throws our way.

We have always had a very small roster when it comes to raiding, and when these life issues come into play, along with others having less of a desire to push the insane hours, number of alts, etc., it became very clear that we needed to cut back on the hours and change the direction of the guild.

Our part in the race to World First has ended. We may enter the fray once again down the road. Blood Legion has been an active guild and part of the Illidan community since day 1. We will continue to do so until the day they close down the server. Thank you to everyone who supported our quest to win. We appreciate every one of you. And to all former, present, and future Blood Legion members. May you always remember what this guild did for you and what you did for this guild.

Thanks Again.


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