World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Vorschau auf Ko'ragh aus dem Hochfels-Raid

Geschrieben von jessi am 06.08.2014 um 00:42

Vor zwei Stunden ging der Beta-Test von Ko'ragh zu Ende und wir haben schon das Preview-Video für euch, in unserer Hochfels-Playlist hinzugefügt.

Ko'ragh: Video

Ko'ragh: Zusammenfassung

Ko'ragh is protected by a Nullification Barrier that absorbs all magic damage taken. When the barrier is removed, he activates a rune that recharges it. While recharging, one player may also absorb some of the rune's energy and receive a Nullification Barrier. As the fight progresses, an increasing amount of Overflowing Energy orbs spill from the rune and float to the ground, exploding when they land. Players who have a Nullification Barrier can catch and absorb Overflowing Energy to mitigate the amount of raid wide damage and prevent a lethal amount of damage from occurring. $[16 In Mythic difficulty, two players may enter the rune per phase of Charging.$]

Ko'ragh: Screenshots

Ko'ragh Ko'ragh Ko'ragh Ko'ragh Ko'ragh Ko'ragh Ko'ragh Ko'ragh

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