World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Details zum In-Game-Shop

Geschrieben von Telias am 09.07.2013 um 11:09

Vor kurzem haben wir über einen neuen Gegenstand berichtet, der auf Microtransaktionen über einen In-Game-Shop hinweist. Kurz darauf hat Blizzard bestätigt dass ein In-Game-Shop mit "Patch 5.4" in "World of Warcraft" hinzugefügt wird. In welchen Regionen der In-Game-Store zum Einsatz kommt ist noch nicht festgelegt. Der "Community Manager" Bashiok hat jedoch nun weitere Details zum In-Game-Shop preisgegeben.

  • Beim In-Game-Store werden Haustiere und Reittiere angeboten, die sonst über den externen Blizzard-Shop verkauft werden.
  • Als erstes werden im In-Game-Store eine neue Art von Gegenständen verkauft wie z.B. Items mit Erfahrungspunkte-Buff, sowie bekannte gegenstände wie z.B. Geringe Amulette des Glücks.
  • Getestet wird zunächst in der asiatischen Region.

Thanks for all the feedback so far, everyone. We’re still pretty early in the exploration process, but we did want to go into more detail about our rationale for introducing an in-game store, as well as provide some insight into what you might ultimately see available there.

For players who are already interested in the in-game items we offer, such as Pet Store pets and mounts, the benefits of an in-game store are pretty clear. We think everyone would appreciate the convenience of being able to make such purchases without having to leave the game, and ultimately that’s our long-term goal for the system, though there’s quite a bit of work involved in retrofitting those existing items into the new system.

First, we’ll be testing the in-game store with some new kinds of items we’re looking into introducing (in Asian regions, at the outset) based on player feedback: specifically, an experience buff to assist with the leveling process, as well as an alternate way to acquire Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. We’ve had a lot of requests from players in different regions for convenience-oriented items such as these, and as with other new ideas we’ve introduced as WoW has evolved—including Pet Store pets, mounts, and more—your feedback plays a hugely important part in determining what we add to the game.

Ultimately it’s still too early in the process to make any final determinations about our plans, but in the meantime, we hope you’ll check out the in-game store once it’s implemented on the PTR and let us know what you think.


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