World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Oondasta Spawn Rate erhöht

Geschrieben von Telias am 21.03.2013 um 08:44

Blizzard hat nun im offiziellen World of Warcraft Forum bestötigt dass die Spawn Rate von Oondasta nun erhöht wurde. Zahlreiche Spieler waren der Meinung dass dieser Weltboss zu selten anzutreffen war.

I'd like to have an elite world boss not a rare world boss
Agreed, this is an amazing fight of epic proportions and really tiny arms. We definitely want players to have more chances to experience it. The epicness should be about fighting it, not about finding when it spawns, even though that can also be somewhat fun as long as the timer is not so long that it gets frustrating.

You should be able to find Mr. “Tiny Hands” Oondasta a bit more often now.


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