World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

PvP in Mists of Pandaria

Geschrieben von Telias am 28.01.2012 um 14:37

Blizzard spricht über die kommenden Änderungen am PvP-System in Mists of Pandaria. Das Ziel ist es PvP vom PvE zu trennen.Dies versucht man indem PvP-Gegenstände vor allem für PvP-Kämpfe am besten geeignet sind, während PvE-Gegenstände für PvE-Kämpfe zu gebrauchen sind.

Mists of Pandaria

One of our upcoming goals in Mists of Pandaria is to make the gap between the overall DPS/healing of both PvE and PvP items smaller. In fact, we have design plans for new PvP combat mechanics that will make PvP gear and weapons markedly better in PvP than equivalent level PvE gear and weapons.

The overall goal is to reduce the barrier for crossing between PvE and PvP (and vice versa), as well as to also ensure that PvP gear is the best in PvP, and PvE gear is the best in PvE.

More details on these upcoming changes will be posted as they become available.

I respect your polite tone and I know you are just trying to raise the OP's spirits but even your own words really boil down to having someone bail you out when a Rogue strikes. While that is indeed the best and often only solution, it really doesn't say much about the balance of Rogues in general.
Regardless of anyone’s rankings past or present, the process of learning and striving to improve never stops: it helps even the most battle-hardened gladiator remain able to go toe-to-toe with their fiercest opponents.

In team-based combat such as Arenas, pressuring an enemy in order to go for a kill or striving to protect your comrade from being the brunt of a focused assault are part of the experience, no matter what classes are driving to get the job done. Most matches are an incredibly complicated dance between combatants: a push and pull of offensive and defensive tactics, of coordinating switches, interrupts, dispels, crowd control, and of learning when to use your particular cooldowns or abilities, and when to change your tactics on the fly. Depending on who you ask, what class they are, what brackets they are in, and what team compositions they run, you are likely to get a totally different answer as to what particular class gives them the most trouble at any given time.

As far as the current balance of various classes: it’s something we are, as always, keeping a close watch on. We welcome you to post constructively about your observations in the appropriate threads, and the more focused and on-topic you can keep it, the better.

While it's not possible to address every individual thread or concern of the community, rest assured we are listening, regardless if you see us post within a particular thread or not.


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Geschrieben von Gast am 30.01.2012 um 09:09

ein bisschen englisch kann man schon erwarten :)

Geschrieben von Gast am 29.01.2012 um 08:53

Nun noch ordentlich auf deutsch und jeder kann es wahrnehmen.


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