World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Drachenseele Nerf für normal und heroisch

Geschrieben von Telias am 19.01.2012 um 10:34

Die Drachenseele Raid-Instanz wird mit den Wartungsarbeiten am 1. Februar abgeschwächt. Erstmals gibt es detaillierte Informationen zu den Kriterien die für Blizzard wichtig sind. Zudem ist diese Abschwächung anders als bei den bisherigen Raid-Instanzen.

Raid-Gruppen die ab dem 1. Februar in die Instanz gehen erhalten der Power of the Aspects Effekt. Dieser Effekt führt dazu, dass Gegner 5% weniger Lebenspunkte haben und 5% weniger Schaden austeilen. Diesen Effekt gibt es im normalen und heroischen Schwierigkeitsgrad, nicht aber für Gruppen die über den Schlachtzugsbrowser in die Instanz gelangt sind. Gilden die auf diesen Effekt verzichten möchten können diesen bei Lord Afrasastrasz am Anfang der Instanz abschalten.

In einem umfangreichen Beitrag hat Blizzard erklärt der Zeitpunkt der Abschwächungen den Statistiken abhäbgt. Wenn zu wenige Gilden Fortschritte machen, dann ist es Zeit die Bosse abzuschwächen. Und auch die nächste Abschwächung ist wird schon voraus-geplant. Diese wird voraussichtlich einen Monat später durchgeführt.

During the scheduled server maintenance on the week of January 31, the Dragon Soul raid will become enveloped by the “Power of the Aspects” spell, reducing the health and damage dealt of all enemies in the raid by 5%. This spell will grow progressively stronger over time to reduce the difficulty and make the encounters more accessible. The spell will affect both normal and Heroic difficulties, but it will not affect the Looking for Raid difficulty.

The spell can also be disabled by talking to Lord Afrasastrasz at the beginning of Dragon Soul, if a raid wishes to attempt the encounters without the aid of the Dragon Aspects.

For those of you who raided in Firelands and/or Icecrown you’re no doubt aware that as time goes on we want to keep people progressing by adjusting the difficulty. For any number of reasons a group may be having difficulty on a specific encounter each week, and our intent in adjusting the content is to ensure the ability to keep progressing, enjoying the content, and gearing up. With Icecrown we progressively buffed the players, and while this slow progression (and ability to opt-out of the buff) were both beneficial, it led to an expectation of your characters power, and once you left the raid you could certainly feel less effective. For Firelands we attempted to fix that by nerfing the content instead of buffing players, but we nerfed the content difficulty all at one time, which was counterproductive for players who really didn’t need as severe a change as we made. With Dragon Soul we’re attempting to do the best of both by having a progressive nerf to the content, keeping player power constant while providing small increases in assistance over a long period of time, as well as allowing players to opt-out of the assistance by speaking to Lord Afrasastrasz.

We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Soul, and that these changes encourage you to attempt a higher difficulty, or just keep pushing to down that next boss.


Believe it or not there are actually guilds and raiding groups that are attempting to progress through Normal and Heroic raids, but are hitting a wall, and have been hitting a wall. We have actual statistical data we base our changes on, we know exactly how many people are clearing these raids each week, we know exactly how many people are able to down just a few bosses, and how many were only able to down a few bosses every week for weeks on end and then stopped raiding altogether.

The issue we're constantly trying to combat is the one where people feel like they're just out of options. One way this is an issue is the content is too easy, they blasted through it, have everything they could possibly want, and have nothing else to do. Ideally that's a small subset of very hardcore players. For everyone else it's a feeling of just being stuck with no possible way to progress. Very few players are willing to suit up, buff up, do all the necessary requirements to raid, jump in, and then do no better than they did last week for hours and hours, only to return next week and do the same.

If a guild doesn't want the help, they're free to opt out of the buff. For those that do it's an approximate 5% change, which is pretty minor, and we expect it to be about a month before we raise it another 5%. This first change will absolutely help the guilds that are just barely sc@%#!*# by, or just need a tiny bump to cross the next hurdle, but it's just not logical to exclaim that someone will roll into Raid Finder, grab a couple items, then be looting Heroic Deathwing's corpse the next night.

We feel the content has been out for quite a while now, that most people who have progressed and downed Deathwing on Heroic have done so, they've had sufficient time to celebrate in their accomplishments, and these very small progressive alterations will only help guilds that are already doing well in the raid get over some hurdles they may be facing.


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Geschrieben von Gast am 21.01.2012 um 19:41

Sry vergessen zu sagen: Dann soll man wenigstens den Loot anpassen für Gilden oder Gruppen, die es ohne Buff schaffen

Geschrieben von Gast am 21.01.2012 um 19:40

Nur weil viele Gilden oder Spieler zu "verwöhnt" sind und einfach kein Bock haben sich sowas schweres zu stellen oder soziale Kontakte in Gruppen aufzubauen um sich zu verbessern, sollen andere Gilden, die es ohne Probleme schaffen, drunter leiden ? Schön und gut, man kann den Buff deaktivieren aber ich finde, das es eine unnötige Einführung ist.

Geschrieben von jessi am 20.01.2012 um 16:50

Bei Bossen wie Ultraxion, Schwarzhorn und Spine wird sich der Buff sehr stark in "Kill-Zahlen" wiederspiegeln. Da viele Gruppen bei diesen Encountern atm einfach nur noch zu wenig Schaden machen um sie zu bezwingen.

Geschrieben von Telias am 19.01.2012 um 21:55

Im Grunde genommen sehe ich das genauso. Allerdings ist die Begründung auch nachzuvollziehen. Wieso sollte man Raid-Gruppen leiden lassen, wenn sie an einem Boss einfach nicht weiterkommen.

Vielleicht kannst du ja sagen wie sich 5% auswirken. Ist das so ein gewaltiger Unterschied. Merkt man das so deutlich?

Geschrieben von jessi am 19.01.2012 um 14:41

da die MoP beta noch nicht mal gestartet ist , kommt dies einfach zu früh.

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