World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Ist Mists of Pandaria nur ein großer Patch?

Geschrieben von Telias am 13.01.2012 um 10:07

Dass es sich bei der Erweiterung Mists of Pandaria nur um einen großen Patch handelt, behauptet nun ein Fan im amerikanischen Forum. So ist der Herausforderungsmodus für ihn nichts anderes als eine andere Art von Erfolge, zu den Haustierkämpfen hat er sich gar nichts erst geäußert und die neuen Gebiete sollen mit alten Modellen, Texturen und Bäumen gefüllt sein. Dies hat Blizzard nicht auf sich sitzen lassen und zu allen Beispielen eine Antwort geliefert. Nakatoir aus dem Community Team hat wie folgt geantwortet.

Mists of Pandaria

Challenge Modes - A progression of achievements, hardly revolutionary
It’s quite an awesome feature as I see it; after not too long a dungeon becomes too easy or simple because of out-gearing it or a number of other reasons. These challenge modes will allow you to compete on par with other players who have better gear as everyone will have a fixed Ilvl when inside challenge dungeons.

This means you are all competing for the prestige of being the fastest to complete these dungeons compared to others.
Pet Battles - No comment
This particular mini-game may not be for everyone, and it’s not designed to be. We want to be sure that there is something in the game that each player can enjoy doing, be it PvP, PvE or even pet battles; pet battles are being implemented to create a fun, new type of activity that all players have access to and offering an alternative to increasing the power and strength of your character specifically.
New Zones - I always love a new zone, but think it's all a bit stale now. Same models, same textures, same trees, it's just not exciting anymore
Just as it was in BC, WotLK and Cataclysm, the setting is changing. I don’t think that the look and feel of any expansion to date has been like the previous, they have all had a very unique feel, this is true for Mists of Pandaria as well.

Mists of Pandaria will be on a continent which is largely based around Asian culture, this differs greatly from any previous expansions. BC was a very demonic setting, WotLK was in a cold and frigid Northland, and Cataclysm was set where the world was beginning to literally falling apart as can be seen in the landscapes. So we assure you that it will be different ^^
I think the only thing that will make me buy the expac would be no flying in the new zone. It's the only way to bring back PVP, i purposely rolled on a PVP realm for 1 reason, I want to skirmish WHEREVER and WHENEVER I want, not when i queue for a BG, that's what PVE realms are for.
Well, we are taking several initiatives to try and bolster world PvP and bring it back to everyone! For one, we are not allowing flying in Pandaria until level 90. This means that there will be no people suddenly taking off into the skies when you approach them, unless they have reached the max level :p We are re-introducing optional world bosses which players will fight each other for. There are also many more initiatives that are being taken so we hope that world PvP will once again be bustling with activity :)


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Geschrieben von Gast am 14.01.2012 um 00:32

ähm ok und was steht da ?als deutsche seite wäre es nich schlecht vll zusammengefasst mal sowas auf deutsch zu übersetzen

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