World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Neue Infos zum Patch 2.4

Geschrieben von Argail am 31.01.2008 um 22:11

Mit dem letzten, großen Patch 2.4 vor dem AddOn "Wrath of The Lich King" soll die komplette Architektur der Interface-Optionen geändert werden, wie im offiziellen Forum zu lesen ist. Das soll den AddOn-Autoren viel mehr Freiraum bieten und die Programmierung vereinfachen.

Along with Patch 2.4 we will be releasing a revamped in-game Interface Options screen. Most of the systems that interact with the current Interface Options screen have seen some code changes as a result. The new architecture for the system should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current Interface Options system.

Additionally, this new system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options to players with a custom heading, subcategories, and frames. I'd like to encourage authors interested in utilizing these features to try the new system on the PTRs before Patch 2.4 is released. Basic details on how to use this system can be found in code comments in Blizzard_InterfaceUI.lua.

Please be aware that AddOns that interact with the Interface Options screen, modify it, or change the way that its options affect other systems within the game will need to be updated with the release of Patch 2.4.

Bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Autoren bereits auf dem PTR mit ihren AddOn's gut voran kommen sonst wird man einige Zeit darauf verzichten müssen.

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