World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Level 39 wir kommen!

Geschrieben von Oric am 27.04.2004 um 22:07
Betatester können sich jetzt auf neue Abenteuer und stärkere Charaktere freuen. Vor kurzem berichtete Katricia im Forum, dass der Levelcap auf LvL 39 erhöht wird.

We are increasing the level cap later today to 39! Why 39 you ask? What an odd number! The honest reason we’ve elected to increase character levels to 39 instead of 40 is to avoid having to make plate mail armors and mounts available at this time.

Plate Mail wearing characters can start using it at level 40. Many of the plate mail recipes and drops are not available yet. We are also not ready to release mounts. Most of them are finished but a few are still being finalized. We certainly didn’t want to give some races mounts and leave others out.

The level cap is mainly being lifted so that you can all continue to grow your characters, explore and have fun. For those eager testers, we would appreciate your main concentration through all wings of the Monastery.

~Kat :)

Wieso LvL 39, fragt ihr euch bestimmt. Ganz einfach, die ab Level 40 verfügbaren Mounts und Plait Mail sind noch nicht komplett eingefügt.
In erster Linie soll diese Erhöhung, den Betatestern ermöglichen ihre Charaktere weiter Levlen und entfalten zu können.

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