World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Eurogamer über Wrath of The Lich King

Geschrieben von Dimension am 08.10.2007 um 17:01
Die Kollegen von Eurogamer haben Neuigkeiten zu Wrath of The Lich King. Jeff Kaplan stand ihnen in einem Interview Rede und Antwort. Dabei hat er Fragen zu Instanzen, dem Todesritter und PvP beantwortet.

Eurogamer: Don't you worry everyone will want to give up their former characters to become a Death Knight?

Chris Robinson: : Not really. Firstly, the Death Knight will be a totally different character from the former one and I'm not sure most players are likely to give up an avatar they've patiently shaped up for three years. Though a majority of players will probably try this new class, I don't think a lot of them will end up making it their main character.

Furthermore, the Death Knight is subject to some restrictions. As I said before, the progression will probably be slower. The range of available weapons will be restricted to swords, possibly axes and may be some others. Nothing's certain for the moment.

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