World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Beta Phase 2 hat angefangen

Geschrieben von Dimension am 17.04.2004 um 13:09
Die zweite Phase der USA/Korea Beta habe nun angefangen. Weitere Spieler, die bereits März informiert worden sind, werden in kleinen Schüben benachrichtig.

Phase Two of the World of Warcraft beta test has begun! Those of you who will be added to the test during this phase were notified in March that your “account creation” email would be coming soon. In order to manage server stability, we will be sending out these emails in multiple waves, so please do not be alarmed if yours hasn’t arrived yet. It may take a few weeks to get you onto the beta test.

Please do not contact Blizzard about the status of your application to join the beta test. We will be adding more testers in the future, so if you signed up but haven’t received any emails from us yet, there will be additional opportunities down the line. Until then, we hope you’ll continue to explore and check out all the coverage of the World of Warcraft beta.

Alle die noch keine Nachricht von Blizzard bekommen haben, sollen sich noch gedulden und keine Emails an Blizzard schicken. Je länger die Beta dauert, desto mehr Leute bekommen einen Beta-Key.

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