World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Testrelam morgen online

Geschrieben von Dimension am 06.07.2006 um 22:05
Wie aus dem amerikanischen Forum zu lesen ist, gehen morgen die Testrealms online. Folgende Bugs sollten mit diesem Test behoben werden.

- Fixed an issue where players were still being disconnected in 1.11.0 when trying to log back in within 20 seconds of a client crash.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to place special bags inside one another.
- Applied a fix where players reported that they are sometimes unable to resurrect at their corpse.
- Fixed a graphical error where when viewing a character from a second computer, a player who had his weapons sheathed did not appear to have any weapons on his side or back.
- Fixed an issue where a player received a fatigue bar after a disconnection occurred during a flight path over deep water.
- The Looking For Group channel is now defaulted off. Players will need to join the channel to access it. (/join LFG)
- Fixed an issue where temporary weapon enhancements such as poisons would not persist after zoning or logging.

Weitere Änderungen zu Klassen und sonstigen Themen könnt ihr in diesem Thread nachlesen.

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