World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

WoW Kehlkopf des oppressiven Orators

Oppressive Orator's Larynx
Item Level 437

Binds when picked up
Equip: Your attacks have a chance to stir the larynx, allowing its dark whispers to influence you. Each whisper flows through your mind for 30 sec, granting 220 Strength.
Use: Wave the larynx in the air to release a tormenting chrous, inflicting 70913 * 3 / 1 Shadow damage over 3 sec split between nearby enemies. Your whispers leave to join the chorus, increasing its damage before falling silent. 2 Min Cooldown
Requires Level 68
Sell Price: 58 95 26
Dropped by: Orator Krix'vizk

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